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Search Results for "underlayment"

Products 5 results found.

Product Brand Industries
PENNTROWEL™ 250 Epoxy Underlayment Corrosion Engineering Concrete Repair / Spalled Concrete / Chemical Resistant Flooring / Industrial Maintenance / Flooring
Novocoat HF1200 Epoxy Novocoat Infrastructure / Bridge and Highway / High Friction Surface Treatment
Blackhawk 5900 Additive Blackhawk Commercial Roofing / Additives and Raw Materials / Additives
PENNCOAT™ 600 Membrane Corrosion Engineering Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Secondary Containment / Crack Bridging / Petrochemical / Chemical Process and Refinery / Process Vessels and Towers / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical Resistant Flooring / Trenches/Sumps/Pit Linings / Flooring
PENNTROWEL™ Epoxy Underlayment Corrosion Engineering Concrete Repair / Spalled Concrete / Chemical Resistant Flooring / Industrial Maintenance / Flooring
Product Brand Industries

Market Segments 4 results found.

Market Description
Building Construction and Materials Leak tight, energy-efficient, extended service life, safer use ErgonArmor works closely with construction service providers and their suppliers to design materials that enable buildings and...
Modified Bitumen Components Create ideal conditions for bonding surfaces, reduce the risk of blistering, withstand hurricane force winds Cold process modified bitumen roof construction utilizes asphalt-based pr...
Commercial Roofing Improve leak-tightness, enhance wind uplift resistance, increase longevity, safe use ErgonArmor works with roofing contractors and their suppliers to design and enhance the performan...
Roof Restoration Stop leaks, create ideal bonding conditions, resist chemicals Existing roofing systems reach a point in their lifecycles when leaks start to develop. Then, a decision must be made. D...
Market Description

Documents 4 results found.

Type Document
Data Sheet PENNTROWEL™ Epoxy Underlayment CE-233
Detail Drawings CED-611 TUFCHEM™ Tiling System over Epoxy Underlayment & Membrane
Data Sheet PENNTROWEL™ 250 Epoxy Underlayment CE-232
Installation Guidance CES-232 PENNTROWEL™ Underlayments
White Paper Don’t Give Bacteria Shelter in Your Food Plant Floor
Type Document